Stk Relief Society Presidency Messages

The promise of Relief Society is that we can become a Zion society. Our job as Relief Society sisters is to encourage one another.
January 2022

Happy New Year!! I am looking forward to great things happening this year. The past few years have been difficult and challenging for each of us. Trials and strife are part of this mortal journey. President M. Russell Ballard reminded us, "We cannot lose our love for and hope in Jesus, even if we face seeming overwhelming challenges. Heavenly Father and Jesus will never forget us. THEY LOVE US." God's plan was not for us to come to earth to fail but to succeed and return to Him. They are for us!! They love us!! They are cheering us on!! They want us to remember this so we can handle whatever lies ahead of us.

This month in the digital version of the Liahona is a wonderful article entitled, The Promise of Belonging. It was taken from a Brigham Young University Women’s Conference address given on April 29, 2021. We are reminded that, "Whether you are currently serving in Primary, Young Women, Relief Society, or Sunday School, you are still a part of Relief Society. Whether you are fresh out of high school, a career woman, a mother of small children, a woman who has experienced divorce, or a widow—or any combination of these situations—you absolutely belong to Relief Society."

The number one reason people leave religion is because they feel judged or unwelcome. Let's make a lifelong goal to "open our arms and hearts to everyone" and "be a light, not a judge." Just as Heavenly Father and Jesus are cheering us on, let us cheer on one another.

The article closes with an invitation from the Relief Society General presidency that says, "Our work as disciples of Christ is to make it easier for people to come unto Him. We are all trying to keep the commandments and to follow the example of Jesus Christ, but we all fall short in different ways. But we can keep trying to be better with the Savior’s atoning power. Our job as Relief Society sisters is to encourage one another.

We encourage you to continue to strengthen the bonds of sisterhood with every woman in your ward or branch, ages 18 to 108. Each individual has incredible value and infinite potential, so ask yourself: What can I do to bring out that potential and help them feel valued? Relief Society needs to support all women, to help them always feel a part of our divine, eternal sisterhood."

Wishing you all the best in this new year!!

DeLyn McKay

Cheyenne Wyoming Stake Relief Society President