Stake Presidency Message

December 25, 2023 - Merry Christmas!

Good Evening, Brothers and Sisters.

A quick message to wish you all a Merry Christmas and express my love and gratitude to each of you.   Thank you for your goodness. Thank you for your righteous example of Him whose birth we celebrate.

As this Christmas day comes to a close, I have been able to reflect on all the gifts in my life, principal among them is the gift of the Christ child.  He is the reason we celebrate. He brings us joy, happiness, goodness, and light.  As we look toward the manger and celebrate His birth right now, I hope and pray that we all make room for Him in our lives throughout the year.  He has the power to lift, heal, and strengthen us all.  If we trust in Him and exercise our faith by doing what He would have us do, we can find peace, joy, and happiness all through the year.  May we all find ways to increase His influence in our lives every day.

Merry Christmas to all!  My love and well wishes to everyone.

President Lopez

November 10, 2023

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

By way of reminder, please join us for our upcoming stake conference on November 19th.  Elder D. Todd Christofferson will be presiding.  Stake Conference will be the Sunday session only from 9:30 to 11:00 am.  We should try and be reverently seated well before the meeting is scheduled to begin as we prepare to be instructed by an apostle of the Lord.  This stake conference is just for our stake and we plan to broadcast to the Wheatland and Torrington buildings for those that prefer not to travel to Cheyenne.

In addition, the youth, their parents, and youth leaders have been invited to a special youth devotional on Saturday November 18th from 4:00 to 5:30.  This meeting will be for the 6 stakes from Riverton, Laramie, Casper, and Cheyenne.  This is a special opportunity for our youth to be with Elder Christofferson.  We encourage all who are invited to attend and share in this special occasion.  Please arrive early and be seated reverently in advance of the meeting.

We look forward to seeing everyone next weekend!

Best Regards,
President Lopez

October 11, 2023 - Stake Conference November & December

Dear Brothers & Sisters,

I am excited to announce that our stake will have a special stake conference held on Sunday November 19th from 9:30 to 11:00.  We will have a special guest presiding at that conference, which we will announce when we have been given permission to do so.  Please put this on your calendar and plan to attend.  This special stake conference will be in addition to our regularly scheduled stake conference.

Our regularly scheduled stake conference will be held on Saturday and Sunday, December 2nd & 3rd.  We will have a visiting authority presiding over that conference, who has asked that we prepare by prayerfully studying the following:

Sessions for Stake Conference on December 2nd and 3rd will be as follows:

Please plan to attend all appropriate sessions.  We all have things that we could be doing instead of attending stake conference; however, I don't think there is anything better that we can be doing than joining with our fellow Brothers and Sisters as we receive instruction from the individuals the Lord is sending to teach and edify our stake during our November and December conferences. 

My invitation is to please come to our stake conferences, prepared to hear the voice of the Lord, and as we do so, we will all be spiritually fed in specific and unique ways, designed for each one of us individually. 

I am looking forward to being together at our upcoming stake conferences!

With Love & Appreciation,

President Lopez 

April 11, 2023- Stake Conference - April 22 & 23

Dear Members of the Cheyenne Wyoming Stake,

Please accept my invitation to attend Stake Conference on April 22nd and 23rd.  Stake Conference is a wonderful time to gather and be edified together as we listen to and share messages and instruction centered on Christ and His gospel.  We hope you will make the necessary time to be there with your fellow saints in the Cheyenne Wyoming Stake.

For this Stake Conference, we will hold the following sessions and meeting times:

The Priesthood Leadership Meeting will not be broadcast.  The Adult Session and Sunday General Session will be broadcast to the Wheatland and Torrington buildings.  For any who are homebound or otherwise cannot attend in person, a link to participate remotely can be provided to you by making a request with your ward leadership. 

On behalf of the Stake Presidency, we love you and are looking forward to spending Stake Conference with you!

Best Regards,

President Lopez

April 9, 2023 - Happy Easter!

Happy Easter Brothers and Sisters!

What a wonderful day to celebrate the resurrection and atonement of Jesus Christ!The resurrection of the Savior was first announced by angels stating: “Why seek ye the living among the dead? He is not here, but is risen…” Luke 24:5-6.  What hope, what promise, what peace that statement brings!

The Gospel of Jesus Christ brings many promises and blessings, but perhaps none so great as the promise of eternal life through Christ.  We share the conviction of Job: “For I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth: and though after my skin worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God.” Job 19:25–26.

Consider the hope, promise, and peace that comes in and through the resurrection of the Savior and those truths taught such as Paul’s, “But now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the first fruit of them that slept. … For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive.” 1 Corinthians 15:20, 22.  “For he must reign,” Paul said, “till he hath put all enemies under his feet. The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death.” 1 Corinthians 15:25-26.

President Gordon B. Hinkley said “Of all the victories in human history, none is so great, none so universal in its effect, none so everlasting in its consequences as the victory of the crucified Lord who came forth in the Resurrection that first Easter morning.“ 

If we can overcome death, we can overcome every hurdle and every obstacle we face in life. What a wonderful and marvelous reality.

This time of year is among my favorites.  Seeing the plants and trees bringing back their color and forming new buds, the tulips and other flowers starting to come up, and the green of the grass beginning to peak through.  The new life and rejuvenation as they shake their winter sleep. 

We all have an opportunity for new life; for rejuvenation through the life, death, and resurrection of our Savior, Jesus Christ. His atonement has the power to heal all wounds. His atonement has the power to right all wrongs. His atonement has the power to allow us to overcome all things. 

The Savior said to Jairus, who came to the Savior pleading with him to heal his daughter, and upon learning from someone in Jairus’ house that his daughter was already dead, “Be not afraid, only believe.” Mark 5:22–23, 35–36.

So it is for us, “be not afraid, only believe.”

Happy Easter, for He lives! May you all feel His redeeming love and grace this Easter Sabbath. 

— President Lopez